Lessons Available in Zechariah
Zechariah, encourages rebuilding the Temple, offers visions of future hope, divine protection, and promises of a Messiah. The text comes alive with Tom Bradford’s insightful teachings.
Lesson 01 – Zechariah Intro & Ch 1
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 1, Introduction and Chapter 1 Today we open the Book of Zechariah with an introduction to prepare us to more thoroughly study it. This introduction will be less extensive than is my typical because reading the introduction to the Torah Class study of the Book of Haggai essentially covers the […]
Lesson 02 – Zechariah Ch 1 cont
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 2, Chapter 1 Continued I’ll begin this 2nd lesson in the Book of Zechariah with a plea I made in the 1st: do not proceed until you have first studied the Book of Haggai with us. It is a very simple matter: these two books are connected and in fact, […]
Lesson 03 – Zechariah Ch 1 cont 2
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 3, Chapter 1 Continued 2 We left off at verse 11 of Zechariah chapter 1, where it was dealing with Zechariah’s vision of the 3 horses that were roaming the earth to give a report to Yehoveh about the condition of the world at that time. Before that, I told […]
Lesson 04 – Zechariah Ch 2
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 4, Chapter 2 We leave chapter 1 and begin chapter 2 of Zechariah, a most unique Prophet in the way he presents the oracles God gave to him, which operates mostly in complex symbolism because it deals so very much with the future. When I say “the future” I mean […]
Lesson 05 – Zechariah Ch 2 cont
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 5, Chapter 2 Continued At this point in our study, Zechariah’s third vision in this long series of vision/oracles has been given. Now it is immediately followed with a warning. Have you ever considered why God announces warnings that can come anywhere from several months to millennia before the dangerous […]
Lesson 06 – Zechariah Ch 3
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 6, Chapter 3 I think the best way to frame what Zechariah chapter 3 is all about is first to provide the context of how Yehoveh saw Judah at the time He exiled them, and the resulting condition of the returned exiles in general. That is, the people that journeyed […]
Lesson 07 – Zechariah Ch 3 & 4
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 7, Chapter 3 and 4 We’ll continue today in the ultra-complex Book of Zechariah by finishing up chapter 3, and then moving briefly into chapter 4, with still 10 more chapters to go after that in the coming weeks and months. If you can survive this Zechariah study, then you […]
Lesson 08 – Zechariah Ch 4 cont
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 8, Chapter 4 Continued This fifth vision/oracle that opens chapter 4 is primarily about Zerubbabel, the Persian King Darius’s choice to govern the province of Yehud, the former Judah. This vision organically connects to the one of chapter 3 that was all about Joshua the High Priest. When taken together […]
Lesson 09 – Zechariah Ch 4 & 5
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 9, Chapters 4 and 5 This 4th chapter of Zechariah is aimed at encouraging Zerubbabel, the civic leader of the returned Jews from Babylon, in his role as the Persian-appointed governor of Yehud. The chapter before this one did essentially the same as concerned Joshua, the religious leader of the […]
Lesson 10 – Zechariah Ch 5 & 6
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 10, Chapters 5 and 6 We ended our previous lesson at Zechariah chapter 5, verse 7, and we were left with a couple of questions to answer. They were: what has a lead lid over the ephah basket to do with anything, and why would there be a woman inside […]
Lesson 11 – Zechariah Ch 6 cont
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 11, Chapter 6 Continued The first half of Zechariah chapter 6 is a symbol-laden prophecy of something in the future; for Zechariah, just how far into the future was not calculable. The symbol consisted for 4 horses pulling chariots and being dispersed from Jerusalem to the outermost parts of the […]
Lesson 12 – Zechariah Ch 6 & 7
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 12, Chapters 6 and 7 When we ran out of time in the previous lesson, we were still in Zechariah chapter 6 on the subject of the Tzemach… variously translated as branch, shoot, or sprout… and in both Judaism and Christianity this tzemach is identified as the Messiah. And, in […]
Lesson 13 – Zechariah Ch 7
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 13, Chapter 7 If I was to give the middle verses of Zechariah chapter 7 a title, I think it’d call it “caught red handed” or “busted!”. This chapter is short so let’s re-read it to get started. RE-READ ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 7 all Here’s what is happening. The city of […]
Lesson 14 – Zechariah Ch 7 & 8
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 14, Chapters 7 and 8 We ended our previous lesson with Zechariah chapter 7 verses 11 and 12, which says: CJB Zechariah 7:11-12 11 But they wouldn't listen, they stubbornly turned their shoulder away and stopped up their ears, so that they wouldn't have to hear it. 12 Yes, they […]
Lesson 15 – Zechariah Ch 8
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 15, Chapter 8 As the Book of Zechariah progresses, we find with each new chapter its messages hitting closer and closer to home because more and more of it has to do with a time in history that not only lies not far ahead of us, but also the time […]
Lesson 16 – Zechariah Ch 8 cont
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 16, Chapter 8 Continued We were in Zechariah chapter 8 at verses 16 and 17 when we ran out of time, so that’s where we’ll begin today. CJB Zechariah 8:16-17 16 These are the things you are to do: speak the truth to each other; in your courts, administer justice […]
Lesson 17 – Zechariah Ch 9
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 17, Chapter 9 Zechariah chapter 9 makes a significant turn in the nature and style of what is being prophesied. So much so that mainstream scholarship no longer accepts that Zechariah is still the one doing the prophesying. The Book of Zechariah as it has been handed down seems to […]
Lesson 18 – Zechariah Ch 9 cont
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 18, Chapter 9 Continued As we continue in the ultra-cryptic Zechariah chapter 9, let’s briefly review our previous lesson. I’ll begin by reminding you that in modern times, the Book of Zechariah is seen by most Bible scholars as consisting of 2 books by 2 authors (or 2 groups of […]
Lesson 19 – Zechariah Ch 9 & 10
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 19, Chapters 9 and 10 As we continue today in Zechariah chapter 9, the first chapter in that part of the prophet’s book that for some time has been labeled “Second Zechariah”, we need to keep the bigger picture in mind otherwise we’ll got lost in the complex nuances of […]
Lesson 20 – Zechariah Ch 10
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 20, Chapter 10 We barely opened Zechariah chapter 10 last time before we needed to stop. So, we only got through the first verse. Let’s start things off by re-reading the entire chapter. RE-READ ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 10 all Verse 1 could be summed up by saying it was a summons […]
Lesson 21 – Zechariah Ch 10 cont
THE BOOK OF ZECHARIAH Lesson 21, Chapter 10 Continued The opening 5 verses of Zechariah Chapter 10 painted us a vivid picture of divine providence and a stark contrast between God's power and goodness and the failings of false leaders who are either self-deceived, or lie and manipulate for their own benefit. The prophet begins […]