Lesson 1 Intro Ch1
THE BOOK OF JOEL Lesson 1, Introduction and Chapter 1 Welcome to our introduction to the Book of Joel. In the 2nd chapter of Joel, we read this: CJB Joel 2:13-14 13 Tear your heart, not your garments; and turn to ADONAI your God. For he is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in […]
Lesson 2 Ch1
THE BOOK OF JOEL Lesson 2, Chapter 1 Continued One of the most interesting, and possibly surprising, things we have found in our study of the Minor Prophets of Hosea, Amos, Jonah and now Joel, is that God will instigate…He will command… disasters to happen not only upon those who do wicked things and who […]
Lesson 3 Ch1 Ch2
THE BOOK OF JOEL Lesson 3, Chapters 1 and 2 While biblical prophecies such as Joel’s always address a few different topics, in Joel the one that seems to be front and center revolves around The Day of Yehoveh (or the Day of the Lord as it is typically misrepresented in Bibles, for reasons that […]
Lesson 4 Ch2
THE BOOK OF JOEL Lesson 4, Chapter 2 Who doesn’t want to know the future? Especially in this the 21st century, even totally secular folks have a sense of foreboding that something earthshaking and calamitous is coming upon our entire planet. The latest belief of what this foreboding “something” is, is wrapped up in the […]
Lesson 5 Ch2
THE BOOK OF JOEL Lesson 5, Chapter 2 Continued In the 2nd chapter of Joel, we witness the beauty and the justice of Yehoveh on display: severe wrath for Judah’s rebellion and treason against Him, and extreme mercy and outpouring of blessings for their obedience and sincere repentance. This fact is revealed in that Joel […]
Lesson 6 Ch3
THE BOOK OF JOEL Lesson 6, Chapter 3 We concluded Joel chapter 2 in our previous lesson and so begin chapter 3 today. I want to remind you that only some English Bible versions have Joel divided into 4 chapters (like the CJB); in others it is only 3 chapters. It doesn’t really matter; all […]
Lesson 7 Ch3
THE BOOK OF JOEL Lesson 7, Chapter 3 Continued We opened our study of Joel chapter 3 last time. As we progressed, it became clear that other Prophets and their prophecies were intertwined with, and in some cases expounded upon, Joel’s prophecy especially as concerns the restoration of Judah and Israel at the same God’s […]
Lesson 8 Ch4
THE BOOK OF JOEL Lesson 8, Chapter 4 Last time we spent considerable time on discussing how prophecy works in general and that the Book of Joel operates no differently. In a nutshell it is that the prophetic fulfillments are only sometimes a one-time event. Most often these fulfillments happen more than once, in different […]
Lesson 9 Ch4
THE BOOK OF JOEL Lesson 9, Chapter 4 Continued We ended our previous lesson discussing the matter of Joel 4:4, where Tyre and Sidon are places God was going to pour out His wrath upon, and how that they were part of Phoenicia, which is modern day Lebanon. Sometimes the biblical names of places can […]
Lesson 10 Ch4
THE BOOK OF JOEL Lesson 10, Chapter 4 Continued 2 – END We concluded our previous lesson with Joel 4 verse 13. The narrative centers on the time when the prophecy of the war to end all wars has begun. This is a Holy War, which means the outcome is already determined…God (and Israel) wins. […]