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HomeThere Is A Scripture 06-16-2017

There Is A Scripture 06-16-2017

“Be angry but don’t sin.” Ephesians 4:27 CJB.

To feel anger is not a sin. But to allow it to have the power to override what we know in our mind to be right and make it seem ok to do wrong, is a sin.

The heat of anger is like the heat of desire. It can deceive the mind into thinking it is justified in doing wrong and in its control, take away fear of consequence, for oneself and others. Uncontrolled and misdirected it can bring about destruction.

We’ve experienced ourselves and seen it in the lives of others.

Father, You have instructed in what is good and right in Your eyes and that these are what please You.

You have instructed us in what is our responsibility to do and what should be left for only You to do.

We strive to do in our lives according to Your instructions and pray that satisfying emotions, gratifying feelings would not be the motivation or guide for our actions but a tool or reward for acting in obedience to Your instructions.

Create in us a mind and heart and purposefulness that is in unity with Yours.

May Your love be in us all.

In Yeshua’s name we pray.


