Week 2, Intro part 2 As we continue in our extensive preparation to study the Book of Daniel, I would like to reiterate that the reason for so many commentaries written on Daniel that vary wildly in their interpretations and their conclusions is because of the commentator’s fundamental theology. And the pre-eminent theology of the modern era commentators has been that Daniel is a wonderful piece of fiction, written by a pious Jew about 165 B.C. Therefore the so-called predictions that Daniel makes in his book were actually events that had already happened. The writer merely wrote in the literary style of biblical prophecy, designed to make it appear to the reader that in fact this had been written centuries earlier thus fancifully making Daniel a seer of the future: a prophet. The ripple effect of this belief upon Christian doctrines is serious and its tentacles spread out in many directions. Last week we found ourselves faced with the question of why Daniel remains as part of our Bible if in fact it has been determined by our greatest Bible academics and the majority of our Christian Seminaries to be a forgery. But even more, it is self-evident that if Daniel is a forgery then even Christ was taken in because He quotes Daniel as Scripture, by name, in Matthew 24:15. Mathew 24:15-16 CJB