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Lesson 19 – Exodus 20 Cont. 2

Lesson 19 – Exodus 20 Cont. 2

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Lesson 19 – Chapter 20 Continued 2

Today we continue our extensive study of what is popularly known as The Ten Commandments of Exodus 20.

Last week we studied two very controversial commands…..or more accurately translated, WORDS….that of not using the Lord’s name in vain, and of the prohibition against making images and symbols of the Godhead or any false god for that matter.

I think we beat both of those subjects to death last week so there is no need to review it. I do, however, want to make one comment regarding the use of the Lord’s name. I mentioned that it was not until a little before 300 BC that the Lord’s formal name, which appears 6000 times in the Old Testament, stopped being uttered by the Jewish people. Yet there remains a serious misconception about that prohibition that needs to be considered: the Talmud makes it clear that the decision to stop saying or writing the “YHWH” that is God’s name has absolutely NOTHING to do with 3rd Commandment. Did you hear that? The writings of Sages and then Rabbis from that era and for hundreds of years after did NOT think that to utter God’s name was breaking the 3rd commandment; rather it was an issue of proper reverence. Philo reports that in that same era it had become tradition that one should NOT call their parents by their formal names, out of respect and reverence for their parents. So, says Philo, that same concept soon carried over to not calling the ULTIMATE father by HIS formal name. A more common view that was around in Jesus’ day was that uttering aloud the name of God violated the ordinance of Leviticus 24:15 which says, “anyone who blasphemes his God shall bear his guilt….” But, the writers of the Talmud reject the notion that saying God’s name equates to blaspheming.

Rather this idea that it long ago became wrong to say God’s name because it violated the 3rd Commandment has become a sort of modern urban myth among the Jews; instead, it was simply a matter of an attempt at reverence. So, what’s the difference you might ask? If it is thought that one is breaking the law (the 3rd commandment), then to utter the name is a sin. If the issue is one of proper reverence then it is more a matter of appropriate behavior (not unlike the argument over whether or not it’s OK to come to Church in causal attire as opposed to your best dress clothing).

This week it really doesn’t get a whole lot easier because the next commandment concerns observance of the Sabbath.

RE-READ EX.20:8-11

The 4th Word begins with “Remember the day, Shabbat, to set it apart for God”. It explains that the Sabbath is the 7th day of the week, and tells us how we are to view the Sabbath, Shabbat in Hebrew; and then this Word ends with this: “This is why Yahweh blessed the day, Shabbat, and separated it for Himself .”

In the coming weeks, we will examine more elements of the Sabbath because it is a hot button for sure among Believers, and a topic of interest and importance throughout the Bible. I want primarily to give you food for thought about the Sabbath, because whether or not Christians are SUPPOSED to observe the Sabbath has been debated by reasonable and brilliant biblical scholars for centuries…and the debate continues.

Two questions are at the heart of the matter about Sabbath observance, in my opinion: 1st, are the 10 Commandments of Exodus 20 for the Church, or not? And, 2nd, WHEN and WHAT is the Sabbath. Now, at the beginning of this lesson, I asked all of you a question; and that question was, do you believe ALL the 10 Commandments to be valid. As I recall, pretty unanimously the answer was that the Commandments WERE indeed valid, and that we did NOT have the right to pick and choose. In fact, I don’t believe I’ve EVER heard any Christian denomination say that the 10 Commandments, all of them, are NOT for Christians. A copy of them hangs somewhere in every Church.

So, then, why all the arguments about whether or not we’re supposed to do what this Commandment says? A person recently gave me a teaching document they had received in which the point of the teaching is that Christians have been relieved of the duty to observe the Sabbath. But, if that is the case, how is it that we can all say so easily that we should obey all the 10 Commandments?

This leads us to the 2nd question of when and what is the Sabbath. Unless one has come to the conclusion that we have the right to ignore the 4th Commandment, the 4th Word, of observing the Sabbath, and that gentile Christians should have the Nine Commandments as our creed and not the Ten, then I guess we need to know when and what the Sabbath is in God’s view.

One of the standard points of disagreement concerning the Sabbath is WHEN the Sabbath occurs. Let’s begin this thorny issue by seeing if we can all agree on this much: there are 7 days in a week, and there is ONLY one 7th day of the week, each week, just as there is only one 1st day, one 2nd day, one 3rd, etc. All throughout written history, even before official calendars, there has been a unit of time measurement called a week; this consisted of 7 sunsets and sunrises, each of which we call a day. It was relatively late in history before cultures started to give names to the days of the week, and of course, the names varied depending on language. Prior to that, the best evidence is that days were simply numbered: 1st day, 2nd day, and so on. The Hebrews to this day continue to use the numbering, rather than naming, system of days except, of course for the 7th day, which is given the name Shabbat.

While calendars can and do differ over the thousands of years since they were first invented, amazingly no disagreement over how many days there are in a week, and there is but only one or two rare instances in which is the first day or the last day of the week are moved One such exceptional calendar is called the Runic Calendar, invented in the region of Sweden in about the 13th century A.D. It was created in order to take into account the Nordic god and goddess system, but as Christianity was also established it also began to incorporate Christian Holy days.

Other than for the Runic and perhaps one or two other rare examples, all calendars, from every region of the world, have been in tune when it comes to the beginning and ending of weeks. One new exception is a modern standard initiated by the International Organization for Standardization, a group that was formed a few decades ago to develop international business and manufacturing standards……if you’re in manufacturing you’ve heard of the various ISO standards. They have decided that for business records keeping, Monday is the 1st day of the week. The reason for their change is interesting: since the Jewish Saturday Sabbath, and the Christian Sunday Lord’s Day, together form what we all call a weekend, and usually are non- work days in the industrialized world, the ISO decided that it was logical for business purposes to make the first workday of the week, Monday, their new standard for the 1st day of the week.

Other than for those I’ve mentioned, I know of no situation where one calendar says this is the 2nd day of the week, and another says no, our calculations say it’s the 5th, or some such thing. Now, exactly when months and years begin and end HAVE been argued about, because they are based on seasonal, agricultural, lunar and solar cycles. Some cultures, including the Hebrews, adjusted their calendars occasionally by adding an extra month, or some extra days, to their standard year. However other than for the two exceptions I quoted there is no record of a culture adjusting the day of the week; that is, that for some reason the 3rd day becomes the 5th, or the 7th becomes the 1st, or some such switch. The adjustments occurred ONLY as regards how many days there were in a month or a year, and when that month and year began and ended. Think about leap year; every forth year, when we adjust our calendars by adding one day to February, do we have two Mondays, or two Tuesdays in that week; or do we move the day back from Thursday to Wednesday or some such thing when we make that adjustment? Of course not, because the amount of days there are in a month or a year, are completely independent of how many days there are in a week.

Therefore, what we call Sunday has for 1000’s of years, and continues to, correlate to the 1st day of the week. The 7th day, according to our modern method of naming rather than numbering days of the week, is Saturday. The point is: whatever issues have arisen over the centuries concerning the proper day for Sabbath observance has not involved difficulties or disagreements or changes in identifying which day is the 7th day of the week.

God says in Genesis that all was created in 6 days, and then on the 7th He rested. He also ordered that the 7th day was to be called Sabbath, Shabbat, and set aside to be observed as holy. When we come together on Sunday we are, obviously, NOT observing the 7th day, the day who’s name is Shabbat…..the subject of the 4th Word. Rather, we are observing a law enacted by Constantine and the Catholic Church in the 4th century AD, creating a day of Christian fellowship that would be called The Lord’s Day. This is not speculation, nor is it criticism, it is simply well documented fact acknowledged by historians and Bible scholars alike. After our lesson a week or two ago in which I quoted some Catholic scholars concerning Sunday worship, someone told me that that didn’t interest them, because why would it matter to Protestants what the Catholic Church says or thinks. Well, the fact is that almost ALL the major traditions present in the modern Protestant denominations, INCLUDING Sunday Worship, are of Catholic origin. We have been following Catholic edicts all our Church lives, we just weren’t aware of it.

The Lord’s Day, Sunday worship, was created in honor of Christ’s resurrection on the 1st day of the week. Though Christ’s resurrection day, the 1st day of the week, is NOT ordained in the Holy Scriptures as a weekly day of meeting, there is certainly no prohibition that I’m aware of, of the Church meeting on the 1st day, or EVERY day of the week if we chose to. But, the Lord’s Day is simply NOT the Sabbath as defined by Yehoveh in the Bible. And, by the way, I recently talked with a young local pastor in his 30’s, who recently graduated from a Baptist Seminary, and what I just told you is exactly how he was taught. The Seminary students were cautioned to always call the Sunday meeting day the Lord’s Day, and NEVER call it the Sabbath, because Christians generally do not observe the Biblical Sabbath. But, he also related to me that when he asked WHY we don’t observe the Sabbath, a traditional Christian commandment, his professor told him that that discussion would have to happen in private…. which, BTW, never occurred.

I stand before you today not to tell you what to do in regard to Sabbath, nor to condemn the mainstream Church, nor to force my personal view of the matter upon you. However, if you DO believe you’re to follow all of the 10 Commandments, then the question we are ALL forced to face is, when is the Sabbath? If you’re an Evangelical Christian, then you are a member of set of denominations that SAYS unequivocally that the 1st day (Sunday) is NOT the Sabbath, but is instead a day of traditional fellowship called The Lord’s Day; and this is because church doctrine completely agrees that the Biblical Sabbath is the 7th day (Saturday in modern terminology) NOT the 1st day.

As an example of this, on the Southern Baptist Convention’s Website, called “The Baptist Page”, is a decree concerning the basic doctrines of the Baptist Church. Under the heading “Doctrines which we hold in common with other denominations”, is a long listing of beliefs. The 8th doctrine listed is as follows: We meet “ In the sacred observance of THE LORD’s DAY for His worship and His work”. As ANY Bible scholar or theologian from ANY Christian denomination or from any Jewish sect will tell you, The Lord’s Day and the Sabbath are two entirely different observances…the Lord’s Day is not a new or modern or alternative name for Sabbath. There is no mention of the Sabbath being observed by Baptists on the Baptist website.

Now, I don’t tell you all this to upset you, or confuse you, or worry you. I tell you this because of a key Biblical phrase concerning the Sabbath, the 7th day: it was a day blessed by God. In fact, in other sections of the Bible, you’ll find it says that those who observe the Sabbath will receive a blessing that those who don’t, won’t. For no other reason than that, I urge you to go to God in prayer concerning the Sabbath and ask Him directly what He wants to tell you about it. Now, just a little more and we’ll move on. The Church, which has for centuries openly admitted that it is not observing the Sabbath, often responds to the glaring contradiction of how we Christians can STAUNCHLY insist on the one hand that we believe in the validity of all 10 Commandments for our lives, but on the other that technically we do NOT observe the Sabbath, deal with the matter by declaring that Sabbath can be any day we choose…. if we wish to observe it at all. That is, that the Sabbath can be the 7th day of any rolling 7 day period that we choose. So, if we choose to coincide our own chosen Sabbath day with the Lord’s Day, Sunday, the entire better. The problem is, this philosophy makes the Sabbath OUR Sabbath. The fact is, nowhere does the Bible, OT or New, declare anything but that the Sabbath is the LORD’S Sabbath. It may be for our benefit, but it belongs to Him. It is His.

So, let’s address where the Church belief comes from, that we have the freedom to select our own personal Sabbath, or disavow it altogether.

The way I’d like to approach this is first to tell you where it DIDN’T come from…Constantine and the Catholic Church NEVER cited nor even implied a scriptural basis for changing the Sabbath. In fact, what they explicitly said was that the Sabbath was to be abolished because it was a Jewish celebration. There was to be no more Sabbath keeping at all…not for the Jews, not for the Christians, not for anybody. Rather the church and state governments would choose the 1st day of the week, Sunday, as a more proper day of weekly meeting for Christians, with the reasoning that the 1st day of the week was the day of Christ’s resurrection. And, again as explicitly stated in the records of that fateful series of Church meetings called the Council of Nicea, Sunday was chosen because it was already, throughout the Roman Empire, a day of meeting and worship for the largest and most influential religious group in the Empire, the Mithrains…..Sun worshippers…..who had named the 1st day of the week after their deity the Sun god…..hence the name, Sun-day.

The Catholic Church says they have the authority to abolish the Sabbath because the Pope has the authority from God to do anything he decides is best…..including amending Scripture. But, Protestants who do not acknowledge the Catholic Pope’s authority to do such a thing have taken a different route. The idea that Protestant individuals can choose to honor the Sabbath or not, and if we decide to, we can choose any day we want, and change that as often as we want, is usually based on a much misunderstood couple of verses written by Paul, in Col.2. Let’s take a look at these verses, in their context, and then I’ll make just a couple of points about it.

READ Col.2:16-23

There is an old story about 3 blind men being guided up to an elephant. Their guide asked them each to reach out and touch the elephant, and then to describe from what they felt, just what an elephant was. The blind man who stood at the rear of the elephant reached out and by chance grabbed the elephants tail…..so he said an elephant was very much like a snake, long and slender. The 2nd blind man stood at the front of the elephant and when he reached out he happened to grab the elephants trunk…..so he said an elephant was long and round, sort of like a fire hose. The 3rd blind man had wrapped his arms around the elephant’s leg….so he said an elephant was much like the trunk of a large tree. The moral of the story is that reality for humans is all about perspective and context.

We have that same problem when we take selected verses out of the Bible and look at them without remembering that they are part of a whole. When we do that, our perspective will probably contain an element of truth to it, but the overall meaning is distorted. This is why I stress the principles that Yehoveh has been establishing, and we’ve been identifying, all through our teachings in Genesis and Exodus. Because, if we come across some Scripture verses which (when removed from their context and held up as stand alone thoughts) seem to contradict or violate any of those principles, then we need to look again because we’re misunderstanding the meaning of those verses. God does not contradict God. The Old Testament does not contradict the New.

Now, the debate over these verses in Colossians stem primarily from overlooking the basic principles Yehoveh had long ago established; so, by our taking a step back and looking at the Sabbath issue from a wider view, here’s the questions we need to ask ourselves in order for us to rightly discern what Paul is attempting to explain.

Question #1 and perhaps the overriding question above all others: does Paul EVER contradict Christ? 2nd Question: did Paul EVER disobey standard Jewish Law of his era? 3rd Question: whose rules about eating and drinking, festivals, new moons, and Sabbaths is being talked about in these verses?

1. Does Paul EVER contradict Christ? Well, if we accept the traditional church doctrine that Shabbat is either abolished or optional or can be change at our whim, we’d have to believe he did contradict Yeshua. The problem is, if that’s so, where does that put us? Does that mean we are now left to decide between believing either Christ or Paul? No. Because Paul does NOT EVER contradict Christ. I don’t mean to be harsh, but if we have decided that Christ and Paul did contradict each other, then why are we even here today? I say let’s throw our Bibles in the trash and go home, because that would make this book of Scripture anything but accurate and infallible.

Look, we can slip and slide all over the place in deep pursuits of difficult Scriptural Truth: but most Scripture is very straightforward and explicit. Christ says plainly in Mathew 5:17 “ Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill”. We here in Torah have looked at this Scripture over and over again. Jesus just SAID He did NOT abolish the 10 Commandments, or the 613 laws, or ANY principle contained in the Torah. And, Yeshua goes on to say that not the minutest point about it will change until heaven and earth pass away. Now, how in the world do we turn right around and interpret a handful of difficult passages to mean the Sabbath (which is a central theme of the Law and the Prophets) has been abolished, or that it’s no longer the 7th day, or that we can make it anything we choose.

So, if Christ was telling the truth, then what has been erroneously taught as Paul’s contention that virtually ALL of God’s self-ordained memorials, including Sabbath, are abolished or changeable, can not possibly be correct, can it? We can’t have it both ways. This would be the classic example of Biblical contradiction. Worse, it would be a classic example of the disciple challenging his master. Christ can’t say it’s not changed or abolished, and then have Paul turn right around and say it is changed and abolished. And, certainly, that is NOT what Paul said.

1. Did Paul ever disobey the Jewish Law? Well, if he actually DID teach that the Sabbath is abolished, or that the God-breathed ordinances concerning Shabbat are no longer applicable, then he has not only disobeyed Jewish Law, but he has disavowed the very SIGN that God gave to Israel for the Covenant of Moses.

We like to argue today that while Jews…even if they believe in Christ as Messiah….may still be subject to the Torah, certainly GENTILE Believers are not. Let’s pretend for a moment that this was so (which, by the way, it is not). It still wouldn’t apply here because Paul was a Jew, NOT a gentile!

So DID Paul disobey Jewish Law and say that some things from the Torah were now abolished? He says in the New Testament that he didn’t. In Acts 25:8, Paul said to the Jews in Jerusalem, “I have committed NO offense against the law of the Jews”. He goes on to say in Acts 28:17, “I have done NOTHING against the traditions of the fathers”. In other words, not only did he observe all the straightforward Scriptural commands, he ALSO obeyed the Jewish oral law traditions. No wiggle room here at all. There was no more important tradition and observance in Jewish Law and life than Sabbath observance….the Sabbath and the Temple were the centers of Jewish life. So if we’re to believe Paul is running around telling his new converts, Jews and gentiles, that they can just stop observing, or change, Sabbaths, and Biblical Feasts, and so on, then Paul is, at the least, a very conflicted man. But, he would also be committing an offense against Jewish Law that carried the death penalty with it and he would be contradicting the plain words of His Lord and Savior, Yeshua.

So, assuming that Paul was being truthful in Acts that he had NEVER broken Jewish Law or Jewish traditions, there is absolutely NO WAY that we can construe what he said in Colossians as meaning that he is telling everybody that the Sabbath can be anything you want it to be…..even abolished. If he DID lie about not breaking Jewish Law (just so his ministry wasn’t interrupted) then why would we believe ANYTHING Paul said? The answer is easy: Paul didn’t lie. He never said Sabbath could be changed or abolished. In fact, in Heb. 4:9 Paul says, “So there remains a Shabbat keeping for God’s people”.

1. Who’s rules about eating and drinking, Sabbaths, New Moons, etc, was Paul referring to? Because if it’s God’s rules Paul is saying to ignore it’s one thing, but if it’s mans’ rules about these sorts of things it’s an entirely different matter. Well, let’s look at the context of Col. 2. Starting with vs . 16 it states….. so don’t let anyone (any man) pass judgment on you…… Vs.18 Don’t let anyone deny you the prize…… such PEOPLE are always…… Vs 19 They (people) fail to hold to the Head….. Vs 22 Such prohibitions are concerned with things meant to perish by being used, and they are based on MAN MADE RULES AND TEACHINGS. Man made. Not God made. Are we to think that Paul is now saying that the laws of Torah were NOT given to Moses by God, but instead were man made? Of course not.

Here Paul sets the context of this entire teaching; it is that these Believers can ignore MAN MADE doctrines; but, most certainly NOT God’s teachings. Remember, the Sabbath, the 4th Word is not a man-made TRADITION. Men did not institute the Sabbath; God in the Torah instituted it. But, men did add hundreds of rules about the Sabbath, and Biblical feasts, and New Moons, and THAT…..along with pagan rituals that often mimicked Hebrew rituals is what Paul was condemning.

What Paul was fighting, as did Christ, was the mountains of Jewish tradition that was being heaped on the people AND the now commonplace melding together of various pagan traditions with Jewish Traditions because 90% of the Jewish population lived scattered throughout the Roman Empire and had great interest in being tolerant and accepted by their gentile neighbors. These traditions and observances in many cases flat out replaced Holy Scripture. Members of various Jewish sects had taken to following Paul around on his travels, trying to recruit his converts into the various Jewish Messianic sects (denominations) that had quickly sprung up; and each had their own set of do’s and don’ts, what you can eat, what you can’t, just exactly HOW one is to celebrate Shabbat, New Moons, and so forth. The most minute details of their lives were being controlled by volume after volume, literally 1000’s, of man made rules all said to be explaining Scripture. When in fact, these were primarily manmade doctrine that was REPLACING Scripture.

So, Paul is not railing against God’s Torah in Colossians, he is condemning man-made rules and doctrines, some pagan, some misguided Tradition, which he plainly says.

Ah….but there seems to be one final out for the gentile Church. There are those who would say, yes, yes, that’s all fine; but the Sabbath is for Israel, not for gentile Believers. For you, I have two things to consider: first, the 10 Words were indeed given to Moses and Israel, weren’t they; since that is so, then why do you, and the Church system in general, regard them as valid for we the gentile Church? Isn’t that just a tad schizophrenic? Second, I’d like to quote Paul in Galatians and Ephesians who goes right to the heart of the matter:

Galatians 3:16 “Now the promises were to Abraham and to his seed…..” Here is just one of dozens of places in the Bible, OT and New, that establishes that all the promises, covenants, God would give, He gave to Abraham and/or to his seed; nobody else. So, who is Abraham’s seed? Israel. Hebrews. Abraham’s descendants. So, since that’s the case, then how can others and I claim that we, as gentile Christians are mysteriously part of that same group that we get all the benefits, and are subject to all the principles, of Israel’s covenants?

Here’s the answer to that. Galatians 3:26-29 “For in union with the Messiah, you are all children of God through this trusting faithfulness; because as many of you as were immersed into the Messiah have clothed yourselves with the Messiah, in whom there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor freeman, neither male nor female; for in union with the Messiah Yeshua, you are all one. Also, if you belong to the Messiah, YOU are seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise”. Let’s look at Ephesians 2:11-13 “Therefore, remember your former state: you Gentiles by birth…called the uncircumcised by those who, merely because of an operation on their flesh, are called the Circumcised….at that time you HAD no Messiah. You were estranged from the national life of Israel. You were foreigners to the covenants embodying God’s promise. You were in this world without hope and without God. But now, you who were once far off have been brought near through the shedding of the Messiah’s blood”.

We simply cannot get around it; WE gentile Believers are MADE seed of Abraham by means of having been joined to Israel’s covenants; and we’re joined to Israel’s covenants by means our faith, our trust, in the Savior, Yeshua, Christ Jesus. We Gentiles by birth, foreigners, have been brought into Israel’s covenants. That’s how we’re able to partake of those covenants. Does that make us physical Jews? Of course not! Because, once again, we see this awesome duality of Yehoveh’s universe appear: there is both a physical side and a spiritual side to God’s dealing with men. When Paul says there’s neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, etc., that certainly doesn’t mean that physically the world suddenly became Unisex, that there was no more anatomical distinction of the sexes and that there was no more race of the Jews, or that gentiles became Jews or vice-versa. Just our observation of the world around us makes that clear. But, on the spiritual level, Christ broke all distinction IN HEAVEN, in the spirit world, among people, no matter what that distinction had been…color, race, sex, nationality, rich or poor, slave or free, Jew or gentile. From a spiritual point of view Yehoveh sees all Believers as bonded, grafted, adopted into the promises he gave to Israel, by means of our trusting Christ, our union with Jesus. See, we’re not grafted into Christ: our union, by faith, with Christ grafts us into the covenants of Israel.

So why does the Sabbath apply to us? Because we are part of Israel….spiritual Israel….not physical Israel. Paul calls “spiritual Israel”, the “Israel of God”. We Believers get the benefit of, and are subject to, all the spiritual principles of the Torah, but not necessarily all the Hebrew-cultural rituals. Christ’s sermon on the mount was mainly about two things: discounting the traditions of men, and reaffirming the PRINCIPLES behind the Law that had been obscured by all those traditions of men. Yehoveh says the Sabbath is an eternal spiritual principle; it is woven into the very fabric of the universe; and now its benefits belong to every believer. And, God established a particular day as the weekly Sabbath, blessed it, and made it Holy. Let me say that again: Sabbath is a GOD established day, not a man-established day. The Sabbath may be FOR man, but it is not OF man. Christ’s death was FOR man, but it was not OF man. We can’t anymore change the terms of the Sabbath than we can change the terms of our redemption.

Frankly, I’m not even sure what all the consternation is about when it comes to recognizing that we ought to observe God’s Sabbath. Observing the Sabbath is not difficult, it doesn’t mean you must give up Sunday Church, nor that you do Church twice (once on Saturday and again on Sunday). It can be as simple as on Saturday stopping your regular work, focusing your family on Yehoveh and His Word, and relaxing and enjoying one another and reveling in this day of physical AND spiritual renewal. Sabbath is a VERY family oriented day. You don’t have to eat special food nor recite specific prayers or wear a prayer shawl. But, if you would LIKE to, you have perfect freedom to do so. You don’t have to stay home and you don’t have to turn off the TV. But, if you feel that’s the direction God is leading you, then you have perfect freedom to do so. I don’t know anyone who observes Sabbath who won’t tell you that their lives have been blessed, and they and their family are all the better for it as a result.

Whatever you decide to do, just please remember this: the Sabbath is NOT a salvation issue, in the sense that Sabbath observance plus trust in Messiah is what saves; for it is trust in Yeshua, and nothing else, that gives us our redemption. Whether you observe the Sabbath, or don’t, it has no bearing on your Eternal Security. And, I’m also not telling you to stop going to Church and Bible Study on Sunday. The Biblical Jews met several days during the week:1st day, 4th day, and 7th day Shabbat were kind of typical for meeting. What I’m telling you is that Sunday Church, what we call the Lord’s Day, and the Shabbat, are two different days, and two different observances. One a manmade tradition that didn’t even exist before the 4th century A.D, and one God ordained upon the Creation of the world. I would like to end this discussion on Sabbath by reading to you Isaiah 56:1-7.